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Results for "author_first: "Frederick", author_last: "Franck""
Ode to the Human Face A gift book with photos of clay faces relaying the artist's preoccupation with the meaning of being human.
What Matters A wonderful and thought-provoking collection of quotations and reflections by this Renaissance artist, sculptor, writer, and visionary.
A Zen Book of Hours 144 pages of sayings from Zen seers and others along with playful and often profound brush drawings.
A Passion for Seeing A wonderful overview of the art, thought, and spiritual vision of this extraordinary artist.
An Art Meditation for 9/11 Spiritual master and artist Frederick Franck's reflections on how he created his "Pieta for Darfur & Iraq" and a story about his paintings "After 9/11" and "Solstice".
Seeing Venice A sense-luscious appreciation of the city, its art, and its people.
What Does It Mean to Be Human? Answers to a vital and central question from thinkers and activists from around the world.
Pacem in Terris The story of how Franck, a painter and sculptor, turned ruins of an old mill into a transreligious oasis.
The Tao of the Cross, The Oxherding Parable, and the Unkillable Human Reflections on what Christian mystics call the Christ within and Buddhists call your Original Face.
Zen Seeing, Zen Drawing A presentation of the world-renowned artist's philosophy and approach to creativity.